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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nuts for the Monkey or Not

Is control an illusion? It is indeed. Yet how many of us feel like our actions will effect outcomes? The idea that worries, fears, superstitions, or actions will determine a desired outcome is so common. The very thing we need to let go of is the very thing we strive to hold on tight to. Control really is an illusion.

It reminds me of the example of the monkey that is exposed to a transparent box with a small slit opening the size of his hand. Inside of the box are nuts; he sees the nuts and puts his hands in to get the nuts. However because the opening is only the size of his open hand it gets stuck when he grabs the nuts and tries to get them. He keeps trying and trying not realizing that now the what he wants is controlling him. His hand is stuck and he gets frustrated. If only he would let go of the nuts, he would get his hand out.
So much of control is tied into overeating. It becomes about what we want or what we think we want. Yet, letting go is the only thing we really have control of. Its' common to eat when we are stressed. So my question is, are we trying to combat the thing that is making us stressed or the feeling of stress itself. The monkey wanted the nuts, but once he got them, he wanted to be free. For example, let's say I want a positive outcome on a job interview I went to. The result of getting the job is truly unknown which causes stress. Does my getting the job mean for sure I will be happy at the job or will it mean that stressful feeling of the unknown will go away.

We think we know that a particular outcome will be beneficial, but how do we truly know for sure? We don't, but we try hard to control the outcome. The only thing we have control of is or our actions of anything that is put in front of us. So many things determine what is put in front of us. Control interferes with what is supposed to happen. That monkey had the nuts but couldn't eat them so he was unhappy. He was in control of his hand going into the box, yes, but his control ended there. He needed to figure out that letting go of the nuts would set him free. When we overeat what nuts are making us unhappy?
Take heed to what the universe has in store for us. Trust that if what we desire doesn't come to fruition it is probably for a good reason; a reason which we will probably never know. Be open to alternative outcomes. We may not always be happy with a certain outcome but we are not in charge.

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